屈文镇,男,1987年4月出生,博士,青岛大学特聘教授,硕士研究生导师,山东省优秀青年科学基金获得者(省优青),山东省高等学校“计算力学与工程仿真创新团队”带头人,德国《Zentralblatt Math》评论员,美国北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校访问学者。研究方向为数值计算方法的设计及工程应用,特别是高频声波的大规模数值模拟、长时间动力学响应分析的高性能计算等方面。现为SCI期刊Mathematics的专题客座编辑,江苏省优秀博士论文获得者。目前已发表69篇学术论文,其中62篇SCI检索论文、6篇ESI高被引论文。学术论文共计被引用1332次(Google Scholar),H指数和i10指数分别为22和37。获得了1项国家自然科学基金、2项山东省自然科学基金、1项中国博士后科学基金和1项青岛市博士后应用项目。
一、 教育与进修经历
2005年9月- 2009年7月:山东理工大学,应用数学系,理学学士
2009年9月- 2012年7月:山东理工大学,计算数学系,理学硕士
2012年9月- 2016年6月:河海大学,工程力学系,工学博士
2013年9月- 2014年9月:***,国家公派出国
二、 工作经历
2016年7月- 2019年10月:山东理工大学,信息与计算科学系,教师
三、 研究方向:
(1) 计算力学:边界元法、无网格法、基于物理模型的神经网络
(2) 声学仿真:高频声波、大规模声场数值模拟
(3) 高性能算法:快速多极算法、高精度时间离散方法
四、 学术兼职:
(1) 德国《Zentralblatt Math》评论员;
(2) SCI期刊《Mathematics》专题客座编辑;
(3) 中国力学学会会员;
(4) 中国工业与应用数学学会会员;
五、 荣誉称号:
(1) 山东省高等学校“压电材料的动态断裂力学分析创新团队”带头人,2023年
(2) 山东省优秀青年基金获得者(省优青),2022年
(3) 淄博市自然科学学术成果一等奖,2022年
(4) 江苏省优秀博士学位论文,2017年
(5) 教育部国家奖学金,2015年
(6) 徐芝纶力学奖学金,2015年
六、 科研项目
(1) 山东省优秀青年基金项目, 压电材料的动态断裂力学分析, 主持, 2023.01-2025.12.
(2) 山东省高等学校青创科技计划项目, 计算力学与工程仿真创新团队, 主持, 2023.01-2025.12.
(3) 中央军委科技委国防科技173计划技术领域基金项目, 参与(排名第二), 2022-10至2024-10.
(4) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目, 水下大规模结构声固耦合问题的广义有限差分-快速多极奇异边界法研究, 主持, 2019.01 – 2021.12.
(5) 山东省自然科学基金博士基金项目, 颗粒填充复合材料力学性能的边界配点型方法研究, 主持, 2017.08 - 2019.12.
(6) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目, 大型复杂结构声学灵敏度分析的快速配点型无网格法研究, 主持, 2019.01-2020.12.
(7) 青岛市博士后应用研究项目, 大规模结构声振耦合及灵敏度分析的新型数值模拟方法研究, 主持, 2019.07-2020.12.
(8) 江苏省2014年度普通高校研究生科研创新计划, 大规模声学问题的快速多极奇异边界法研究, 主持, 2014.09 - 2015.08.
七、 代表性科研论文
1. Qu W. Z., He H. A GFDM with supplementary nodes for thin elastic plate bending analysis under dynamic loading. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2022, 124: 107664.
2. Qu W. Z., Gao H. W., Gu Y. Integrating Krylov deferred correction and generalized finite difference methods for dynamic simulations of wave propagation phenomena in long-time intervals. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2021, 13(6), 1398-1417.
3. Qu W.Z., Sun L. L., Li P. W. Bending analysis of simply supported and clamped thin elastic plates by using a modified version of the LMFS. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2021, 185: 347-357.
4. Qu W. Z., He H. A spatial–temporal GFDM with an additional condition for transient heat conduction analysis of FGMs. Applied Mathematics Letters, 2020, 110: 106579.
5. Qu W. Z., Fan C. M., Li X. L. Analysis of an augmented moving least squares approximation and the associated localized method of fundamental solutions. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2020, 80(1), 13-30.
6. Qu W. Z., Gu Y., Zhang Y. M., Fan C. M., Zhang C. (2019): A combined scheme of generalized finite difference method and Krylov deferred correction technique for highly accurate solution of transient heat conduction problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 117(1): 63-83.
7. Qu W. Z., Fan C. M., Zhang Y. M. (2019): Analysis of three-dimensional heat conduction in functionally graded materials by using a hybrid numerical method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 145: 118771.
8. Qu W. Z., Fan C. M., Gu Y., Wang F. J. (2019): Analysis of three-dimensional interior acoustic fields by using the localized method of fundamental solutions. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 76: 122-132.
9. Qu W. Z., Fan C. M., Gu Y. (2019): Localized method of fundamental solutions for interior Helmholtz problems with high wave number. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 107: 25-32.
10. Qu W. Z. (2019): A high accuracy method for long-time evolution of acoustic wave equation. Applied Mathematics Letters, 98: 135-141.
11. Qu W. Z., Zheng C. J., Zhang Y. M., Gu Y., Wang F. J. (2018): A wideband fast multipole accelerated singular boundary method for three-dimensional acoustic problems. Computers & Structures, 206: 82-89.
12. Qu W. Z., Chen W. (2018): Regularized formulation of potential field gradients in singular boundary method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 95: 167-174.
13. Qu W. Z., Chen W., Fu Z. J., Gu Y. (2018): Fast multipole singular boundary method for Stokes flow problems. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 146: 57-69.
14. Qu W. Z., Chen W., Zheng C. J. (2017): Diagonal form fast multipole singular boundary method applied to the solution of high-frequency acoustic radiation and scattering. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 111(9): 803-815.
15. Qu W. Z., Zhang Y. M., Gu Y., Wang F. J. (2017): Three-dimensional thermal stress analysis using the indirect BEM in conjunction with the radial integration method. Advances in Engineering Software, 112: 147-153.
16. Qu W. Z., Zhang Y. M., Liu C. S. (2017): Boundary stress analysis using a new regularized boundary integral equation for three-dimensional elasticity problems. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 87(7): 1213–1226.
17. Qu W. Z., Brandon N., Chen D. X., Huang J. F., Kress T. (2016): A numerical framework for integrating deferred correction methods to solve high order collocation formulations of ODEs. Journal of Scientific Computing, 68(2): 484-520.
18. Qu W. Z., Zhang Y. M., Liu C. S. (2016): A new regularized boundary integral equation for three-dimensional potential gradient field. Advances in Engineering Software, 96: 83-90.
19. Qu W. Z., Chen W. (2015): Fast multipole singular boundary method for large-scale plane elasticity problems. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 28(6): 626-638.
20. Qu W. Z., Chen W., Gu Y. (2015): Fast multipole accelerated singular boundary method for the 3D Helmholtz equation in low frequency regime. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 70(4): 679-690.
21. Qu W. Z., Chen W., Fu Z. J. (2015): Solutions of 2D and 3D non-homogeneous potential problems by using a boundary element-collocation method. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 60: 2-9.
22. Qu W. Z., Chen W. (2015): Solution of two-dimensional Stokes flow problems using improved singular boundary method. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 7(1): 13-30.
23. Zhou Y. X., Qu W. Z.(通讯作者), Gu Y., Gao, H. W. A hybrid meshless method for the solution of the second order hyperbolic telegraph equation in two space dimensions. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2020, 115: 21-27.
24. Gu Y., Qu W. Z.(通讯作者), Chen W., Song L. N., Zhang C. (2019): The generalized finite difference method for long-time dynamic modeling of three-dimensional coupled thermoelasticity problems. Journal of Computational Physics, 384: 42-59.
25. Liu C. S., Qu W. Z.(通讯作者), Zhang Y. M. (2018): Numerically solving twofold ill-posed inverse problems of heat equation by the adjoint Trefftz method. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, 73(1): 48-61.
26. Wang F. J., Liu C. S., Qu W. Z.(通讯作者) (2018): Optimal sources in the MFS by minimizing a new merit function: Energy gap functional. Applied Mathematics Letters, 86: 229-235.
27. Liu C. S., Qu W. Z.(通讯作者), Chen W., Lin J. (2017): A novel Trefftz method of the inverse Cauchy problem for 3D modified Helmholtz equation. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 25(9): 1278-1298.
八、 研究生及发表论文情况
1. 句冰蕊(2021级,硕博连读)
l Ju, B.R.(句冰蕊), Qu W.Z. (2023): Three-dimensional application of the meshless generalized finite difference method for solving the extended Fisher–Kolmogorov equation. Applied Mathematics Letters 136: 108458.
l Ju, B.R.(句冰蕊), Qu W.Z., Gu Y. (2023): Boundary Element Analysis for Mode III Crack Problems of Thin-Walled Structures from Micro- to Nano-Scales. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 136(3): 2677-2690.
l Ju, B.R.(句冰蕊), Sun, W.X., Qu W.Z. Gu Y. (2024): Analysis of Extended Fisher-Kolmogorov Equation in 2D Utilizing the Generalized Finite Difference Method with Supplementary Nodes. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 141(1): 267-280.
2. 孙文祥(2022级)
l Sun, W.X.( 孙文祥), Qu W.Z., Gu Y., Zhao S.D. (2024): Three-dimensional elastodynamic analysis employing the generalized finite difference method with arbitrary-order accuracy. Computers & Mathematics with Applications 174, 151-166.
l Sun, W.X.( 孙文祥), Qu W.Z., Gu Y., Li P.W. (2024): An arbitrary order numerical framework for transient heat conduction problems. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 218: 124798.
l Sun, W.X.( 孙文祥), Ma H.D., Qu W.Z. (2024): A hybrid numerical method for non-linear transient heat conduction problems with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity. Applied Mathematics Letters 148: 108868.
l Sun, W.X.( 孙文祥), Qu W.Z., Gu Y., Zhao S.D. (2023): Meshless generalized finite difference method for two-and three-dimensional transient elastodynamic analysis. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 152: 645-654.
l Ma H.D., Sun, W.X.( 孙文祥), Qu W.Z. Gu Y., Li P.W. (2024): Numerical simulation of wave propagation by using a hybrid method with an arbitrary order accuracy in both spatial and temporal approximations. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 167: 105873.
l Ju, B.R., Sun, W.X.( 孙文祥), Qu W.Z. Gu Y. (2024): Analysis of Extended Fisher-Kolmogorov Equation in 2D Utilizing the Generalized Finite Difference Method with Supplementary Nodes. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 141(1): 267-280.
3. 马浩东(2023级)
l Ma H.D.(马浩东), Sun, W.X., Qu W.Z. Gu Y., Li P.W. (2024): Numerical simulation of wave propagation by using a hybrid method with an arbitrary order accuracy in both spatial and temporal approximations. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 167: 105873.
l Sun, W.X., Ma H.D.(马浩东), Qu W.Z. (2024): A hybrid numerical method for non-linear transient heat conduction problems with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity. Applied Mathematics Letters 148: 108868.
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