王晓,男,理学博士,杏彩官网 - 专业彩票平台推荐
2007年1月-2011年5月,Central Connecticut State University,获理学学士学位;
2011年8月-2014年12月,University of Louisiana at Lafayette,获理学硕士学位;
2015年1月-2017年5月,University of Louisiana at Lafayette,获理学博士学位。
2017年7月-2021年12月,杏彩官网 - 专业彩票平台推荐
2022年1月-至今,杏彩官网 - 专业彩票平台推荐
X. Wang, X. Li, L. Zhang and M. Li. (2022). Fiducial inference on gamma distribution: two-sample problems with multiple detection limits. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, //doi.org/10.1007/s10651-022-00528-5.
X. Wang, Y. Gu and M. Golub. (2022). Analysis of bimaterial interface cracks using the localized method of fundamental solutions. Results in Applied Mathematics, 13: 100231.
X. Wang, J. Wang, X. Wang and C. Yu. (2022). A Pseudo-Spectral Fourier Collocation Method for Inhomogeneous Elliptical Inclusions with Partial Differential Equations. Mathematics, 10(3):296.
Z. Feng, M. Li, X. Wang, J. Zhao and X. Li. (2022). Step-by-Step Penalized Blind Kriging Methods for Surrogate Modeling. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2022:1-8.
X.Wang, X, Li, Y. Xia and H. Liang. (2022). A Robust Projection-based Test for Goodness-of-fit in Linear Models with a Divergent Number of Covariates. Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, Minor Revision.
X. Wang, L. Zhang, X. Li, W. Sun and M. Li. (2022). Confidence intervals for zero-inflated gamma distribution. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, Major Revision.
X. Wang, Y. Fan and L. Zhang. (2022). Stratification of Breast Cancer by Data-driven Reference Method. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, Submitted.
X. Wang and X. Li. (2021). Generalized Confidence Intervals for Zero-Inflated Pareto Distribution. Mathematics, 9(24): 3272.
X. Wang, C. Zou, Y. Li, J. Wang and X. Li. (2021). Fiducial inference for gamma distributions: two-sample problems, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 50(3): 811-821.
J. Wang, X. Wang and W. Qu. (2021). The method of fundamental solutions for electroelastic analysis of two-dimensional piezoelectric materials. International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, //doi.org/10.1080/15502287.2021.1986600.
X. Li, X. Wang and S. Xiong. (2021). A sequential design strategy for integrating low-accuracy and high-accuracy computer experiments, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 1-17.
X. Wang, M. Akobi, P. Nikaeen, A. Khattab, T. He, J. Li and P. Zhang. (2021). Modeling and statistical understanding: effect of CNT on mechanical properties of recycled polycaprolactone/epoxy composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2021, 138(8): 49886.
J. Wang, X. Wang, R. Xu and W. Qu. (2021). Stress analysis of elastic composite bi-materials by using the localized method of fundamental solutions. AIMS Mathematics, 7(1): 1257-1272.
Y. Peng, Z. Ma, X. Wang, J. Li, X. Li, C. Zhang, T. He, G. Li and P. Zhang. (2021). Fractal Surface Recovery and Self-healing Contributed to Sustainable Superhydrophobicity: A Review. Fractals, //doi.org/10.1142/S0218348X22401119
J. Zhang, X. Wang, W. Sun, Y. Li, Z. Liu, Y. Liu and G. Huang. (2020). Application of fiducial method for streamflow prediction under small sample cases in Xiangxihe watershed, China. Journal of hydrology, //dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124866(共同一作)
K. Krishnamoorthy and X. Wang. (2016). Fiducial inference on gamma distribution: Uncensored and censored cases. Environmetrics, 27(8), 479-493.
K. Krishnamoorthy, M. Lee and X. Wang. (2015). Likelihood ratio tests for comparing several gamma distributions, Environmetrics, 26(8), 571-583.
办公地点:青岛大学中心校区励行楼(西七)223室,E-mail: [email protected].