2019杏彩 学术报告之20:Power Partitions and Saddle-Point Method
2019/06/102019杏彩 学术报告之19: 计算数论与代数整数
2019/06/102019杏彩 学术报告之18:Large Sieve Inequalities of Elliott-Montgomery-Vaughan type
2019/06/102019杏彩 学术报告之17:On some embedding between the cyclotomic quiver Hecke algebras
2019/05/302019杏彩 学术报告之16:Nice explicit inverse matrices of Foeeplita and Fankel matrices
2019/05/242019杏彩 学术报告之15:广义逆和最小二乘的经典文献
2019/05/222019杏彩 学术报告之14:热方程解的能量单调性
2019/05/152019杏彩 学术报告之13:Model Reduction Approach to the Control of Systems ith Time Delays
2019/05/062019杏彩 学术报告之12:Webometrics on Web 1.0 and Web 2.0
2019/05/062019杏彩 学术报告之11